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  • Advanced fiber optic laser cutting system

    “Introduction of a new and advanced fiber optic laser cutting system aimed at improving the efficiency of the company production system with a view to Smart Factory and the creation of new sheet metal components, thin and / or thick, with increased quality and at low costs”

    The main objective of the project is the introduction of a new and advanced laser cutting system with clearly evolved technological and construction characteristics and able to allow the following important elements compared to the current production and processing: high operating speed, precision of the pieces considerably higher (to the tenth of mm), possibility to work on very thin (up to 0.6 mm) and very high thicknesses (up to 25 mm), therefore, great production flexibility, reduction of production costs and production, being able to obtain already finished pieces that do not require re-working, high production yield thanks to the considerable reduction of downtime, etc. The proposed project will therefore act on two important strength factors and with great leverage for the company’s competitiveness in the sector, ie the best quality offered, with greater control of the geometric tolerances of the pieces produced, and a significant reduction in internal costs, which can be assessed about 10%, requiring fewer steps and workings to get the finished piece.

    Project financed by “POR FESR 2014-2020 – Asse III – Azione 3.1.1.

    “Interventions to support territorial areas affected by widespread crisis
    of the productive activities, aimed at mitigating the effects of transitions
    on individuals and businesses.”